Managing Numerous Properties Takes Skill, Organization, And Prioritizing What Is Important

This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.

Managing Numerous Properties Takes Skill, Organization, And Prioritizing What Is Important

11 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When building a real estate empire, it's important to manage the properties you own with some skill. While it's possible to hire a management company to make the process easier, some investors choose to make managing their properties their full time job. If you are one of the investors who is ready to quit their day job and focus only on managing your properties, knowing how to manage properties successfully is essential.

Prioritize Finding the Perfect Renters

When looking for qualified tenants, it's essential to do more than simply market to the masses. If you are looking for a specific type of renter, then you have to be more strategic in how you market your property to potential residents. Even when you don't have any openings, it will help your business to stay on the minds of people who might be searching for apartments in a specific area. When people think of you first when they have a friend or family member that needs an apartment, you are less likely to have empty units.

Look for Trends in the Day to Day Management of Your Business

While you will likely have staff that handles calls, reviews rental applications and organizes any maintenance or yard services that work on your properties, you still need to keep an eye out for trends. When you notice that there have been a number of calls regarding one type of repair, or the lawns of your properties look disheveled on a regular basis, it's time to step in and rectify the situation.

Stay on Top of Your Business Finances

Your bottom line depends on a number of factors. If units aren't filled quickly enough, if repairs are more costly than expected, or you aren't getting the rent you thought you would for each unit, your bottom line can suffer. If you leave the money management up to staff, there could be problems that you are not aware of until it is too late. While you may want to have staff that handles collecting rent and paying bills for your properties, it's important to check in on a consistent basis when it comes to the finances of your property.

Let Your Employees Know What You Expect

When you hire employees to help you manage your properties, be clear right from the beginning about what you expect from them as employees. The clearer you are at the start, the better  trained your employees will be on your expectations. For more information, contact institutions like Cambridge Companies.

About Me
Communicating With Your General Contractor

Nothing is more frustrating than deciding on a construction project, only to be bombarded by a long list of problems during the construction phase. Unfortunately, if you work with the wrong person, you might become pretty familiar with issues. About five years ago, I hired one of my neighbors to renovate my bathroom. Although the mere idea sounds ridiculous now, at the time it seemed like a natural solution to a real problem. Unfortunately, as soon as he got started, I knew that he didn't know what he was doing. This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.
