Air-Conditioning Services You May Need When Your AC Isn't Keeping Your House Cool Enough

This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.

Air-Conditioning Services You May Need When Your AC Isn't Keeping Your House Cool Enough

2 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If your air conditioner cycles on and off but your house still seems too warm, you may need an AC repair service to diagnose the problem. Many things go wrong with air conditioners, and even the failure of a simple part can have wide-reaching effects that keep your AC from doing its job. Here are some air-conditioning services you may need in order to chill down your house again.

Install a New Thermostat

If your AC thermostat is bad, your equipment might be shutting down before your house is cool enough. This might happen when there's a problem with wiring or the thermostat itself. If the wiring is okay, the repair technician can test the thermostat and replace it if it isn't working properly.

Repair a Leaky Refrigerant Line

If your equipment has a slow refrigerant leak, you may not figure out what's going on right away. You may notice higher energy bills, and it may seem like your home is never cool enough.

When refrigerant is low, your AC may still work, but the level will get low enough eventually that the air conditioner won't be able to cool your home at all even though the fan may still blow. Your AC might even form ice when the refrigerant is low.

The solution to this problem is for the AC repair company to find the leak, repair it, and then fill the refrigerant. Fixing a refrigerant leak could be expensive, but if you don't get the problem fixed, refrigerant keeps leaking out and your AC will become useless.

Fix the Condenser Fan

Even if your AC has the right amount of refrigerant, the refrigerant might not be able to cool your home well under certain situations. One problem that can arise is that the condenser fan doesn't spin well enough to cool down the refrigerant lines.

The condenser fan is responsible for cooling down the refrigerant lines and other parts in the condenser. The fan may not turn if it is unbalanced or has debris stuck in it. If the capacitor or motor is bad, then your home may not cool down very well.

One of the air-conditioning services you should have annually is the cleaning of the condenser. If your condenser hasn't been cleaned lately, an AC repair service may need to clean it and the fan so there is no grime clogging up the fan. If the fan is broken, the blades can be replaced. The repair technician can also test the capacitor and motor and replace them if necessary.

For more information, contact an air-conditioning service near you.

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Communicating With Your General Contractor

Nothing is more frustrating than deciding on a construction project, only to be bombarded by a long list of problems during the construction phase. Unfortunately, if you work with the wrong person, you might become pretty familiar with issues. About five years ago, I hired one of my neighbors to renovate my bathroom. Although the mere idea sounds ridiculous now, at the time it seemed like a natural solution to a real problem. Unfortunately, as soon as he got started, I knew that he didn't know what he was doing. This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.
