
This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.

Make Your Kitchen Feel More Open By Getting Help From Remodelers

20 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Homes with an open layout do an excellent job of making each room feel spacious. This is a great feature to have when your family likes to spend a lot of time in the shared living areas. But, you may have a closed floor plan with a kitchen that can feel somewhat claustrophobic at times. If you want to make the kitchen feel more open without changing the layout of the home, you should consider hiring a kitchen remodeling service to work on several projects that will make a difference. Read More …

Starting An Excavating Business? You Need Contractor Financing Help

1 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Excavating businesses are necessary for a broad variety of different operations, such as leveling land before building a large skyscraper or simply creating lovely landscaping. Getting into this type of business can be a major challenge if you don't take steps to streamline the process, such as getting high-quality contractor financing to pay for your heavy equipment. Here are some things to consider as you search out funding for your contractor work. Read More …

5 Signs You Need To Call A Masonry Contractor Now

28 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Taking care of masonry work requires you to check in on a structure regularly to spot when it might be time to bring in a professional. A number of environmental factors can leave bricks and mortar compromised, and even simple age can create trouble. Watching out for these five indicators, however, may help you head off issues. 1. Moisture There's a lot more to worry about with masonry than just seeing a puddle of water that obviously leads back to a crack in a wall or a chimney. Read More …

The Benefits Of Installing A Vinyl Arbor In Your Outdoor Space

10 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

An arbor can add style and charm to your outdoor space. It can make a garden have a classic and timeless look and feel to it. If you are looking to have an arbor constructed in your outdoor space, one of the top decisions you will have to make is what material you want the arbor made from. Arbors are traditionally made from wood, but can also be made from metal, composite materials, and vinyl. Read More …

How To Refinish Fiberglass Bathtubs

25 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The finish on a fiberglass bathtub can scratch and wear off over the years. Usually, having the paint finish rub off isn't going to actually affect the waterproof quality of the fiberglass. The actual fiberglass is waterproof itself, but you do need to worry if the fiberglass starts to rub down and get thinner. If the fiberglass becomes too exposed, it can become weaker, and there is a greater risk of cracking. Read More …

About Me
Communicating With Your General Contractor

Nothing is more frustrating than deciding on a construction project, only to be bombarded by a long list of problems during the construction phase. Unfortunately, if you work with the wrong person, you might become pretty familiar with issues. About five years ago, I hired one of my neighbors to renovate my bathroom. Although the mere idea sounds ridiculous now, at the time it seemed like a natural solution to a real problem. Unfortunately, as soon as he got started, I knew that he didn't know what he was doing. This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.
