
This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.

Managing Numerous Properties Takes Skill, Organization, And Prioritizing What Is Important

11 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When building a real estate empire, it's important to manage the properties you own with some skill. While it's possible to hire a management company to make the process easier, some investors choose to make managing their properties their full time job. If you are one of the investors who is ready to quit their day job and focus only on managing your properties, knowing how to manage properties successfully is essential. Read More …

How to Design the Lighting in Your Kitchen

3 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you realize it or not, lighting plays a huge role in your everyday life. Light can darken or brighten a color, a face, a room, even accentuate beautiful works of art. Home lighting often goes unnoticed until you enter a home with proper, beautiful lighting. So before you decide to post a selfie stirring spaghetti, it's best to take a quick look at a few tips on how to take your kitchen from dull to beautiful. Read More …

Three Attractive Window Treatment Options For Energy Efficiency

26 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home, window treatments can be a great investment. These can be inside or outside your home and give you a lot more than just energy efficiency. You can choose from things like curtains and plantation shutters to improve energy efficiency and the look of your home. Here are some ideas to give your home attractive window treatments with energy-saving benefits: Read More …

7 Types Of Drywall For The Perfect Wall Finish

23 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Thanks to ease of installation, low cost and natural strength, drywall has replaced plaster as the primary material for residential walls and ceilings in the U.S. While many people are familiar with standard drywall -- which consists of a gypsum core coated with heavy paper -- some may be unaware of just how many variations of this product are available. Subtle changes to drywall materials and construction during manufacturing results in products that may look very similar, but actually offer very different benefits. Read More …

3 Questions to Consider before Speaking with an Awnings Dealer

21 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Choosing the most appropriate awning for your home can be challenging, given that there are multiple options to choose from and that this type of shade can provide sun protection both inside and outside of the home. However, the most important aspects to consider are the material used to cover the awning and whether or not you want your awning to stay in one place all year long. In addition, some homeowners have chosen to install stationary awnings over doors and windows that need that protection year round or to use one or two portable units to move around the house as the need arises. Read More …

About Me
Communicating With Your General Contractor

Nothing is more frustrating than deciding on a construction project, only to be bombarded by a long list of problems during the construction phase. Unfortunately, if you work with the wrong person, you might become pretty familiar with issues. About five years ago, I hired one of my neighbors to renovate my bathroom. Although the mere idea sounds ridiculous now, at the time it seemed like a natural solution to a real problem. Unfortunately, as soon as he got started, I knew that he didn't know what he was doing. This blog is all about communicating effectively with your general contractor—before he or she starts work.
